Tom Clancy

Board Advisor

Tom Clancy brings nearly four decades of experience in unique and high-performance aircraft development to his appointment to Electra’s Board of Advisors, where he will provide strategic guidance and industry expertise to support the company's overall strategy, business development, and long-term goals. His recent role as Chief Technology Officer at Aurora Flight Sciences capped a career that began as one of the company’s earliest employees.

Earlier at Aurora, Clancy served as the Program Manager of the Orion Program during integration, testing, and the first flight test series. He was also a member of the Flight Readiness Review Board and the Test Director for all of the test flights. Previously he served as the Vice President (VP) of Unmanned Aircraft Systems, VP of Engineering, and VP for Aurora’s NASA ERAST programs. He was also Project Manager and Chief Engineer for the Perseus high-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) development program and served as Chief Engineer and Flight Director on multiple UAV programs and operations. Clancy earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from MIT.

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