Doug Brown

Board Director

Doug Brown retired as a four-star general from the United States Army in 2007.  His final assignment was a Commander of the U.S. Special Forces Command (USSOCOM), where he was responsible for all US Special Forces Operations.  Brown joined the Army as a private in 1967 and became a Green Beret. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant and deployed to Vietnam as a UH-1 helicopter pilot.  He went on to found the 160th Special Operations Aviation Unit in 1981, ultimately commanding it during Operation Desert Storm.  He served as head of the Joint Special Operations Command and then the U.S. Army Special Operations Command, before becoming deputy commander and ultimately commander of USSOCOM.   He has since served on numerous corporate boards, including Aurora Flight Sciences, and as Chairman of the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.  In 2012, the 160th SOAR compound at Ft. Campbell, KY was renamed “Gen. Bryan “Doug” Brown Compound” in his honor.

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